I am living in a beautiful state of .........
I often start the day by completing this sentence. Today I am living in a beautiful state of accepting change.
What about you?
Lilke me, they just need a bit of sunshine and like Oliver, I just want some more please! I am living in a beautiful state of ......... I often start the day by completing this sentence. Today I am living in a beautiful state of accepting change. What about you?
The everyday is often exquisite when you pause to look. (Thank you for that nice phrase Grace.) The pretty brown eggs on the blue tray - I'd never seen a blue egg tray before - delighted my eye when they were handed to me and as I put them down on the table to attnend to something else I noticed how lovely they looked beside the campanula. When I brought them into the kitchen there was no room on the counter and I recalled a perfect little basket which has been languishing in a cupboard for ages just waiting for such eggs...and the linen cloth completed the natural scene. Wherever you are right now, why not take a pause and find the everyday beauty that surely surrounds you.. ..is one of the ccategories I will be posting under for the next few weeks, as well as Simply Eat, Simply Fitter, Simply Move and Simply A Student Of Old Age. I will aslo do an update on Simply Seeing..Or Not which I have not written about for a long time. That should keep me busy! I am SO energised by the retreat. (Depending what device you use the Catergories should be on the side bar, but if you are reading this on your phone the quickest way to gett to the categories list is probably to go to comments and scroll dowm.) In spite of the fonecast we had some lovely weather. We sunbathed one afternoon. I did not expect that. This beach is four minures walk from Samalaman House where we were staying. Homes modest.. and grand. Nice spot to barbecue your fish?
..is really quite exotic, almost glamorous when you look closely.. I accidentally knocked it's beautiful head off when trying to clear weeds from around it (I am a clunsy gardener now, unable to see clearly what I am doing). I felt bad about it but like to think I have redeemed myself by honouriing it with a close up and publishing it here, knowing that many people all around the world will marvel at its beauty! I looked at yesterday's photograph and thought what utterly different worlds the three parts of it represent. The World of the Imagnation. Oil paint on canvas - created from inside someone's head (mine in this case), a fantasy, a fiction of a kind, unique. The World of Nature. Narute which sustains us all. In the wild are these exquisite things food for some creature? Or do they just exist to be stunningly beautiful? The World of the Internet. On this small neat device on my table in my quiet house on the loch in Scotland, I communicate with hundreds of people on our planet from Texas to Japan, from Switzerland to New Zealand. I have no real idea how. My mind is truly blown! I may have to go and lie down in a darkened room :-) There is so much that is beautiful in our world. I find this website inspirational and beautiful. I suuggest you scroll down to the video. What do you think? I noticed the building featured in this post only because my bus stop had been moved. I looked it up on the way home and thought I would like to see inside and took the opportunity on that day out in the time between the two concerts. As we walked in - it is the headquarters of the Bank of Scotland - a man stepped out from behind a very inposing desk and asked if he could help. When he realised we were not there on business he began discreetly walking us back towards the door, but when I said I was interested in the architecture it quicky became clear that her knew a lot about the building and its history, and we had a lovely conversation. (He called the building 'she') Sadly, the feature I especially wanted to see - the atrium - has been floored over. It no londer exists I have found a book called Fragments of Glasgow with photographs of many old Glasgow buildings, which I think I may have to have for Christmas! of photos.. Issues still not fully resolved but I miss you! Writing a blog post is so much part of my daily routine that I find myself all at sea without it. As I drift around on my day I am on the lookout for something beautiful/funny/unusual/interesting/thought provoking, something I want to share with like-minded friends here. I like to think it keeps me alert, in a gently challening way. I love it when your comments make it a conversation rather than a monologue. The swallows have fledged and the garden was full of them when I opened the back door this morning. I wonder what it is like to leave the dark warm nest and find yourself in the huge sky with sunlight on your wings and a dozen or more swallows weaving and wheeling around you with joyous cries. I must have watched them for fully five minutes, mouth agape (mine as well as theirs. Truly.) It was the most beautiful start to the day.
I glanced up from my morning coffee to see this enormous heart-shaped cloud rising up from the forest like a birthday balloon! It made me laugh out loud, and run for my camera. ..beauty sustains me. As do your thoughtful and kind comments. Thank you.
What sustans you in times of loss and sorrow? I chanced to waken at 4.42, glanced out of the window at this dappled, brindled sky and knew the dawn was going to be especially beautiful, so threw on some clothes and was down at the shore by 4.52. Dawn. I was back in bed with a tray of tea and toast by 5.08. I only started noticing what time dawn is by listening to Lia Leenderz. ..my mother on Mother's Day. My sister made a small repair on the beautiful Shetland shawl knitted by our Mum. It was knitted in one ply wool so fine it could be pulled through a wedding ring. She also knitted Aran and Fair Isle patterns.
Ater an excellent (rather expensive) lunch in Sylvan with a lovely friend and neighbour who has just moved back to the city, we wandered around the Park Circus area looking at the elegant houses and interesting juxtapositions of old and new and at the converted mews lanes. And at the Mercedes, Aston Martins and Ferraris! I like this house within a house.
The West End of British cities is the posh end becasue the prevailing winds in Britain are from the west, so the more desirable houses were away from the smells and noise of the factories and mills and tanneries which in many cases would have created the wealth to build them. It snowed quietly most of the morning. Mesmerising, and so peaceful. The new mug with its sunny Mediterranean vibe. I didn't expect to chhristen it with hot chocolate in snow! It was delicious. I was inspired to make more of my winter garden by this witch hazel in my friend's garden. She nurtured it from a little sad sales table specimen and shaped it carefully. It has been in fuull flower for weeks and in our recent sunny weather it's perfume has been enjoyed to the full. I first heard this when working for the National Trust at Beningbrough Hall near York. I was teaching a watercolour class on a perfec smmer day in the walled flower garden and this song came floating out of the shop! Idyllic! Utterly romantic. I felt I was in heaven. This beautiful image is from Anna Potter's book Flower Philosophy.
Romantic Films Pure escapism on a winter's night. Top of my list forever is Il Postino. Your absolute fabourites please! |
AuthorAn artist seeking a simpler life - (but not too simple!) Archives
September 2024